The Emperor of Pog Rome
Livestream from Todessa
Camera: Tman
Cast: Totleb & Co.
Editor: Todito
Soundmix: Todonsky Junior
Directed by: T.L.
Hints & Definitions
Pog Rome was the capital of the Pog-Roman Empire. After the fall of Pog Rome, Emperor Tattila or Tottila the Hun, founded a phantom state and a ghost town in the middle of nowhere. The city was later named Pogromople, Tattila’s virtual empire – New Pog Rome.
The origin of Tottila’s name is unclear. Menander used the term Todtila as the name of the Todessa River. Pritsak considers it to mean “universal ruler” in a Turkic language related to Danube Bulgarian. The common people called him simply ” Our poor Emperor Todescu”.
Shortly before the end of his days Emperor Todescu became heavily involved in occult practices.
A series of strange, troubling precognitive dreams led him to reevaluate the meaning and significance of dreams. Could dreams be a blend of memories of past and future events? What was most upsetting about his dreams was that they contradicted the accepted model of time as a series of events flowing only one way: into the future. What if time wasn’t like that at all?
According to Todescu, even though human consciousness prevents us from seeing outside of the part of time we are “meant” to look at, whilst we are dreaming we have the ability to traverse all of time without the restriction of consciousness, leading to precognitive dreams, resulting in the phenomenon known as “déjà vu”.
For example, if a zwergpinscher were to spend its whole entire life living in a box, anyone looking into the box could see the min pin’s birth, life and death in the same instant – were it not for the human consciousness, which means that we perceive at a fixed rate.
Todescu’s proposed model of time accounts for many of life’s mysteries: the nature and purpose of dreams, how prophecy works, the immortality of the soul, and the existence of the all-seeing “general observer”, the “Witness” behind consciousness (what is now commonly called the Higher Self).
An “Experiment with Time” by J. W. Dunne, first published in 1927.,,,